Harvard Business Review
2018 Gallop Poll
Harris Poll in INC. Magazine
Inquire today to have author of Talking on Eggshells & world-renowned speaker
Sam Horn present a relevant keynote at your conference or business.
Been in a confrontation with a difficult person at work, at home, or in public and no matter how hard you tried to diffuse the situation, things just got worse?
Had to deliver bad news or disappoint someone and didn’t know what to say to convey empathy while keeping strong boundaries at the same time?
Been in a sensitive situation where you took the high road OR wished you would’ve had the tools to handle a difficult person without becoming one yourself?
Wanted to support someone in a tough spot but couldn’t think of the “right” thing to say – so you said nothing OR came up with the perfect response on your way home?
Had to accept responsibility for something you couldn’t control and you weren’t sure how to stand up for yourself without escalating the issue?
Dealt with someone who was constantly belittling and gaslighting you by making disrespectful comments followed by “I’m just joking” or “You’re so dramatic?”
Talking on Eggshells expands on concepts introduced in Sam Horn’s original book Tongue Fu! – Which since being published 20+ years ago has been translated into over 15 languages and endorsed by leaders such as John Gray (Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus), Tony Robbins (The Power Within), and many more.
With hundreds of new stories, quotes, and examples of what to say—and not say—in 20+ character-building situations you face almost every day.
You’ll finally learn the social skills we all wish we’d been taught in school along with math, science, and history.
In our increasingly divisive world, someone’s got to set an example of decency and diplomacy. Why not us?
There is no arguing that the world is more disconnected than it has been in recent memory.
From race to religion, vaccines to vegans, and everything in between, Talking on Eggshells encourages us to address sensitive situations head-on in a respectful way that gets your message seen and heard.
This book teaches real-life, easy-to-implement strategies that have been shown to build deeper relationships with coworkers, friends, family, spouses, children, and perhaps most importantly, YOURSELF.
Sam Horn is the CEO of the Intrigue Agency. She helps people create respectful, collaborative, one-of-a-kind communications and projects that add value for all involved.
Her work has been featured in New York Times, Fast Company, Investors Business Daily, MSNBC, Forbes, INC, NPR, and Huffington Post.
Her books – including POP!, Tongue Fu!®, ConZentrate, What’s Holding You Back? and Washington Post bestseller Got Your Attention? – have been endorsed by dozens of thought leaders including Stephen Covey, Jack Canfield, and Tony Robbins.
Her 20+ year track record of results includes speaking for such clients as National Geographic, Cisco, SXSW, Fortune 500 Forum, Intel, YPO, Capital One, NASA, Accenture, Fidelity, the U.S .Navy and Four Seasons Resorts.
She was the pitch coach for Springboard Enterprises which has helped women entrepreneurs generate $28+ billion in funding.
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